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Policy Holder Claims
Taal Volcano, Philippines
Posted on 13 January 2020

Following reports of volcanic activity at Taal Volcano, Philippines, we at tifgroup would like to extend our sympathies to those affected and clarify what cover may be available.

We always advise all travellers to check the FCO’s advice for their chosen destination and the current advice on this matter can be found here –

FCO - Philippines

For residents of EIRE please follow the advice of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade as follows –

DFA - Philippines

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Usually, this type of event is unfortunately not covered across the travel insurance industry for claims relating to cancellation. This is because most policies have the following exclusion relating to cancellation “any claim where the fire, flood, earthquake, storm, lightning, explosion, hurricane or infectious disease had already happened before you left home”.

We would suggest that you always check your specific policy wording for more information on this and to find out whether you have cover or not.

Additional travel and accommodation costs

Should your travel and accommodation arrangements have been affected by the volcanic eruption your policy may cover reasonable additional costs within a certain radius to provide you with alternative options. To find out more please check your specific policy wording or contact your claims team.

Returning home early

If you are not able to amend your trip details and have a medical justification for doing so, we are happy to discuss your situation on a case-by case basis.

Cutting short your trip may be covered depending on your circumstances. Please refer to your policy wording in the first instance and if you are unsure please contact your claims team. There is no cover for coming home early in the event of loss of enjoyment for whatever reason.

In the event that you have specific questions not answered by this directive, please contact your insurance company directly either by email or over the phone.